: As you can see, I own almost everything. If you are looking for a similar color to a discontinued or LE color, I can probably help- just ask and i will look.
Eyeshadows:Adventure, Alloy, Aubergine, Aztec, Ballerina, Bare, Basalt, Beach Plum, Belleweather, Bewitched, Bittersweet, Blackheart, Bling, Bon Voyage, Bone, Boom, Breathe, Bright, Brown Sugar, Brimstone, Buff, Burnished, Buttercup, Butterfly Blue, Cabana, Canary, Caperberry, Carbon, Cashmere, Chamois, Charmed, Cheer, Cherry Blossom, Chestnut, Chic, Chiffon, Chills, Chocolate Twinkle, Coal, Cougar, Cream, Creamsicle, Cruise, Crush, Cuddle, Cybertron, Danny, Dark Forest, Denim, Destination, Diamond, Disco, Dolce, Dove, Dreamy, Dusty Mauve, Eclipse, Eerie, Elemental, Emerald, Escape, Eu-Taupia, Fairy Dust, Fawn Pink, Fern, Festive, Fete, 5th Avenue, Fire, Flame, Flamingo, Frenchie, Frills, Frosty, Gargle Blaster, Gasp, Gator Gold, Getaway, Gidget, Glam, Glitz, Go, Goldie Gold, Grassroots, Groove, Haze, Heart Throb, Heather, Highbeam, Hint, Honey, Honeymoon, Idolize, Indian Summer, Intergalactic, Iris, Jean Queen, Journey, Lagoon, Lake, Lavender, Legend, Lichen, Lilac,Lime, Linger, Live-Laugh-Love trio, Long Weekend, Lucky, Lunar, Lurid, Lush, Luxe, Madison, Martian, Merry, Meteor, Mink, Mint, Mirth, Mist, Moonstone, Morel, Moss, Mousse, Natural, Naughty, Nekkid, Nudge Nudge, Nymph, Ocean, Olive You, Opal, Orbit, Papyrus, Patina, Petunia, Pixie, Planetary, Platinum, Playfull, Plush, Poly, Pop, Posh, Purr, Quartzite, Queen for a Day, Quiver, Raven, Rebel, Red Hot, Resort, Retro, Riviera, Rizzo, Rollick, Romp, Royal Blue, Safety Orange, Sage, Sailor, Sandstone, Sandy, Sapphire, Satin, Scandal, Seagrass, Shimmy, Sierra, Silence, Silver Lining, Sizzle, Slate, Sleighbells, Slick, Smitten, Soiree, Solar, Something New, Sonic, Spa, Spice, Sprite, Starry, Stormcloud, Sunlit Bark, Superfly, Swamp, Taffeta, Taupetastic, Tawny, Teak-ie, Teal Appeal, Teenie Bikini, Terra, Thistle, Thrills, Tigerlily, Truffle, Tuti-Fruti, Tweet, Twilight, Vacation, Vandal, Vanilla, Vapor, Velvet, Velocity, Venus, Vineyard, Vivid, Vogue, Wheat Penny, Whipped Cream, Wave, Whisper, Wild Woman, Wink Wink, Wisdom
GWP: Mogul, Melange, Elle, Superstar, Picnic, Shamrock, Blackheart, Mystery, Enigma, Stir Crazy, Pink Twink, Lynx, Amalgam, Fools Gold, Rush, Gilded, Ore, Ethereal, Oracle, Riddle, Twister, Thriller, Frankenshine, Harvest, Harvest Moon, Cyprus Sands, Original, Unique, Winsome, 9:59, Spangle, Tailfeather, Bubbly, Pretty, Verde, ExtraVERT, Nuit, Earth, Candid, TGIF, Cabin Fever, Knack, Shantung, IDK, SWAK, Vida, Sari, Shewolf, Fuse
Sample Sizes Only: Bargain Pink, Scallop Pink, Cozy, Latte, Chai, Portabella, L' Chaim, Mocha, Orchid
I Do NOT Have:
Eyeshadows: Scallop Pink
Lippies: Sublime, Impulsive, Happiness
GWP: passionate purple, foolish, found
Currently walked off my shelf to the land of lost shadows: Surprise
Color Translation List
When someone asks me to check my stash for a color translation (something available to replace something that has become unavailable) I will post it here.
Mogul--> Slick
Enigma--> Cougar
Buff--> Earth--> Lurid
Cuddle--> Lurid (greyer) and Mink (pinker) *For a perfect match i rec. adding a plum to lurid
9:59--> Naughty (slightly pinker) *For a perfect match I rec. adding vineyard or mixing dreamy+plush
Impressive collection!
You should share some EOTDs with us using these!
Posted by: LT | 09/30/2009 at 04:10 PM
Wow, I'm amazed you carry so much makeup and it looks so well organized. I've read that most makeup is good for a max of 2 yr.'s from the date of purchase in exception of eyeliner/mascara. How do u keep track of what is already old?
Posted by: Shy417.wordpress.com | 04/18/2011 at 10:37 PM
Mineral Makeup doesn't contain liquid, binders, or bio-ingredients that break down. Minerals are also naturally anti-bacterial, they create an inhospitable environment for bacteria to grow. The only thing in silk naturals that can break down is the silk protein and nothing really chemically wrong happens to it. That's one of the great bonus features of mineral powders- they don't have a shelf life.
The lippies and cream concealers and skincare DO have a shelf life and so do liners and mascara. I toss them when the oils go off. With my lippies and concealers I do periodically cut an eighth of an inch off the top to prevent bacterial growth. Mascaras I toss about every 6 months.
Posted by: Xarata | 04/19/2011 at 10:26 AM